
macchina per il ghiaccio con fiocco di neve e rasoio per ghiaccio con macchina per tritare il ghiaccio CE


Modello Voltaggio Ruota la velocità Capacità di rasatura del ghiaccio Energia osservazione
IC-208C 220V/110V 250~350rpm 70kg/h 0.35KW Base rotante automatica;
Doppie lame


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snow ice shaver machine ice shaver with CE and high quality manual ice shaving machine


snow ice shaver machine ice shaver with CE and high quality manual ice shaving machine


snow ice shaver machine ice shaver with CE and high quality manual ice shaving machine


snow ice shaver machine ice shaver with CE and high quality manual ice shaving machine


snow ice shaver machine ice shaver with CE and high quality manual ice shaving machine


snow ice shaver machine ice shaver with CE and high quality manual ice shaving machine


snow ice shaver machine ice shaver with CE and high quality manual ice shaving machine


snow ice shaver machine ice shaver with CE and high quality manual ice shaving machine

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